Welcome to the Veery SDK documentation
Version 1.1 (December 2017)
To learn what the predictive geolocation is, you can read the Veery About page.
Veery SDK is developped by roofstreet.io.
Steps to include Veery inside your mobile application
- Register your application
- Google Developper Console
- Apple Developper Console
- Request the API KEY
- Android native application Quick Start
- build.gradle
- AndroidManifest.xml
- MyFirebaseInstanceIDService.java
- MyFirebaseMessagingService.java
- Activity.java
- iOS native (Swift) application Quick Start
- Podfile
- Activate Background Modes
- Activate Push Notification
- Info.plist
- AppDelegate
- ViewController
- React Native application Quiqck Start
- react-native-veery
- AndroidManifest.xml (Android)
- Activate Background Modes (IOS)
- Activate Push Notification (IOS)
- Info.plist (IOS)
- PushNotificationIOS
- React Native Firebase
- Check for the latest version