Module Veery


Turn the Veery agent into the geolocation mode required by your application (foreground, background, geo-predictive, ...).

If not called, the geolocation (and the Veery agent) will remain inactive.

From react-native version 1.5.0 you can replace the call to "activate" by a call to activateWithOptin


Param name Type Usage
mode int Veery.DEACTIVATE_ALL : Veery will turn off as well as the geolocation proceses.
Veery.FOREGROUND_GEOLOC : Veery will turn on with geolocation active only when the app is in foreground. (Requires react-native Veery 1.4.4 or higher)
Veery.BACKGROUND_GEOLOC : Veery will turn on with geolocation active also when the app is in background. (Requires react-native Veery 1.4.4 or higher)
Veery.COLLECT : Veery will be connected to the backend for historization. (Requires react-native Veery 1.4.4 or higher)
Veery.ROUTE_MATCH : Veery will receive trips computations. (Requires react-native Veery 1.4.4 or higher)
Veery.POINT_OF_INTEREST : Veery will receive Point of interest. (Requires react-native Veery 1.4.4 or higher)
Veery.PREDICTION : Veery will receive Predictions. (Requires react-native Veery 1.4.4 or higher)
------------------- BACKWARD COMPATIBILITY (older than react-native Veery 1.4.4)
Veery.FOREGROUND : This is equivalent to Veery.FOREGROUND_GEOLOC
Veery.BACKGROUND : This is equivalent to Veery.BACKGROUND_GEOLOC
Veery.BACKEND : This is equivalent to BACKGROUND + Veery.COLLECT + Veery.ROUTE_MATCH
Veery.GEOPROFILE : This is equivalent to BACKEND + Veery.POINT_OF_INTEREST + Veery.PREDICTION


If Backend Services is requested without Geolocation mode the Veery.BACKGROUND_GEOLOC is used by default.



Usage / Example

        import React, { Component } from 'react';
        import {Platform,StyleSheet,Text,Button,View,AppState} from 'react-native';
        import Veery from 'react-native-veery';

        export default class App extends Component<{}> {
      //Requires react-native veery 1.4.4
      Veery.activate(Veery.BACKGROUND_GEOLOC |
            Veery.COLLECT |
            Veery.ROUTE_MATCH |
            Veery.POINT_OF_INTEREST |

            Veery.activate(Veery.BACKGROUND_GEOLOC +
            Veery.COLLECT +
            Veery.ROUTE_MATCH +
            Veery.POINT_OF_INTEREST +
                render() {

                            <View >

                                <Text > Welcome to VeeryDemoReactNative!</Text>



User interaction

Veery.Forground and Higher : if not previously given by the user, it will request the necessary authorization to get Geolocation iosAuthorization

Veery.BACKEND and Higher : if not previsously given by the user, it will request the necessary authorization to use Notifications.