Class Veery

getLocationHistory(int format, Long since, Long unti)

Get the historical geolocation data for the mentioned period.

The format parameter defines the type of historical data the set returned will be filled with : RAW or ROUTEMATCH.


Param name Type Possible Values / Usage
format int Veery.HISTORY_RAW : Will return the strictly the data collected
Veery.HISTORY_ROUTEMATCH : Will return an enhanced version of the data collected representing the estimated trips that the Veery BACKEND or the Veery GEOPROFILE algorithms have deducted from the data. Using the GEOPROFILE activate mode, the trips is computed considering similar days and trips as well as traffic jams and train timetables to compensate the absence of geolocation data during the trips.
since Long Represent the time of the beginning of the historical period required. Format is the EPOCH in millis as returned by Calendar.getTimeInMillis()
null could be used for "since the beginning"
until Long Represent the time of the end of the historical period required. Format is the EPOCH in millis as returned by Calendar.getTimeInMillis()
null could be used for "until the end"


Veery.Locations object

Usage / Example

The following example prints the geolocation history to a mMap Google Maps object

Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); // now
Long until = calendar.getTimeInMillis();
calendar.add(Calendar.HOUR, -3); // three hours ago
Long since = calendar.getTimeInMillis();

Veery.Locations locations =  veery.getLocationHistory(Veery.HISTORY_RAW, since, until);

JSONObject geoJsonData1 = locations.toGeoJSON(veery.GEOJSON_MULTIPOINT);

if (geoJsonData1 != null) {
    GeoJsonLayer layer = new GeoJsonLayer(mMap, geoJsonData1); // see Google Maps API
    LatLngBounds latLngBounds = Veery.getBoundingBox(layer);
    if (latLngBounds != null && bMapReady)


GeoJsonLayer classes are available on Google Maps API

User interaction


See also


Get the historical geolocation data for the mentioned period.


Count Historical data of Geolocations observed during a given period of time.


Request for a callback event when a new trip is routematched by the Veery Backend.


Return an array of Location object.


Return a GeoJSON containing the set of locations (Point or MultiLineString).


Return an array of GeoJSON.


Get the bounding box which envelopes all locations in the set.


Callback triggered every time a trip is computed by the Veery backend.