Veery for React Native release list
- Released 23-JUL-2018
- Include function activateWithOptin() to help in GDPR compliance.
- Android veery:1.4.0@aar
- iOS Veery v1.4.0
- Xcode 9.4.1
- Released 31-MAI-2018
- Android veery:1.3.2@aar
- iOS Veery v1.3.3
- Xcode 9.3
- Improve veery.activate function with ensuring backward compatibility
- Released 25-AVR-2018
- Android veery:1.3.1@aar
- iOS Veery v1.3.2
- Xcode 9.3
- Android O restrictions are respected
- Released 18-AVR-2018
- Android veery:1.3.0@aar
- iOS Veery v1.3.2
- Xcode 9.3
- Released 29-MAR-2018
- Android veery:1.3.0@aar
- iOS Veery v1.3.1
- Prevent canceling geofences not created by veery
- Released 26-MAR-2018
- Include new function systemAuthorization() to check if Location and Notification are authorized by the user
- Include new function userAgreement(), userAgreementAge(), userAgreedPurpose() to manage user Agreed Purpose
- Android veery:1.3.0@aar
- iOS Veery v1.3.0
- Released 01-FEV-2018
- Android veery:1.2.4@aar
- iOS Veery v1.2.6
- improvement of the activate process
- Released 30-JAN-2018
- podspec updated
- Android veery:1.2.3@aar
- iOS Veery v1.2.6
- improvement of the activate process
- Released 26-JAN-2018
- podspec updated
- Android veery:1.2.3@aar
- iOS Veery v1.2.5
- Fix issue Token Refresh
- Released 24-JAN-2018
- podspec updated
- Android veery:1.2.3@aar
- iOS Veery v1.2.4
- Fix issue Token Refresh
- Released 19-JAN-2018
- podspec updated
- Android veery:1.2.2@aar
- iOS Veery v1.2.3
- Compatible with Android Minimum SDK version 16
- Compatible with IOS minimum target 8.0
- Released 10-JAN-2018
- Include new Function getStatus() to check integration by developers
- Android veery:1.2.1@aar
- iOS Veery v1.2.0
- Compatible with Android Minimum SDK version 16
- Released 01-JAN-2018
- Veery IOS v1.0.8
- veery:1.1.2@aar
- Tested with Android Studio 3.0.1
- Tested with npm 5.5.1
- Tested with node v8.9.1
- Tested with react-native-cli: 2.0.1
- Tested with react-native: 0.51.0 ,react 16.0.0
- Tested with react-native-create-library v3.1.2
- Includes Predictions, Pois, Trips
- Bug uuid fixed
- Released 22-DEC-2017
- Veery IOS v1.0.6
- veery:1.1.2@aar
- Tested with Android Studio 3.0.1
- Tested with npm 5.5.1
- Tested with node v8.9.1
- Tested with react-native-cli: 2.0.1
- Tested with react-native: 0.51.0 ,react 16.0.0
- Tested with react-native-create-library v3.1.2
- Includes Predictions, Pois, Trips
- Released 18-DEC-2017
- Veery IOS v1.0.6
- veery:1.1.2@aar
- Tested with Android Studio 2.3.1
- Tested with npm 5.5.1
- Tested with node v8.9.1
- Tested with react-native-cli: 2.0.1
- Tested with react-native: 0.50.3 ,react 16.0.0
- Tested with react-native-create-library v3.1.2
- Includes Predictions, Pois, Trips
Update procedure
To update react-native-veery
$ npm update react-native-veery --save
After this update you should update your Podfile to get the latest veery ios version.
- there are two way to add Veery framework
a. using veery pod directly
platform :ios, '8.0' source '' target 'yourApp' do # Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks use_frameworks ! # Pods for yourApp # You should use always the last version of Veery. pod 'Veery', 'X.Y.Z' end
Note : "X.Y.Z" should be replaced by the latest ios release.
b. using RNVeery podspec path
platform :ios, '8.0' source '' target 'yourApp' do # Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks use_frameworks ! # Pods for yourApp pod 'RNVeery', :podspec => '../node_modules/react-native-veery/ios' end
If you are adding more than one Pod you must add the following in the top of the Podfile
source ''
- Close your Xcode and in the console run
$ pod update