Quickstart step 3 : iOS minimum code

Here are the steps required for a minimum integration of the Veery Geo-predictive SDK inside your IOS application.


You should have requested your Developer API Key and received it in the following format:

YOURCOMPANY ACCESS KEY Where to use in Xcode Value (example)
CLIENT_ID info.plist 00000000-1234-abcd-efbh-1234567890ab
API_KEY info.plist abcdef12-0123-4567-890a-bcdef1234567
API_SECRET ViewController.swift -> veery.setApiKeySecret(..) SuPeRScrET12345789GhJ

These will be used in the next steps of the Veery integration.


If you have already installed Pod :

  1. Open your Podfile


  2. Add the following lines

    source 'https://github.com/roofstreet/cocoa.repo.git'
    target  'yourApp' do
        # Comment the next line if you're not using Swift and don't want to use dynamic frameworks
        use_frameworks !
    # Pods for yourApp
        # You should use always the last version of Veery.
        pod 'Veery', 'X.Y.Z'

Note : "X.Y.Z" should be replaced by the latest ios release.

If you are adding more than one Pod you must add the following in the top of the Podfile

    source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
  • Close your Xcode and in the console run
     $ pod update

to download Veery.

Otherwise you should install pod in your Xcode project directory.

1. Run

     $ pod init

     $ pod install

in your project directory using a console.

2. Open your Xcode project directory and lunch yourApp.xcworkspace


3. Execute the cited instruction above.

For more information see cocoapod.org.

PS :

If you never insalled Cocoapod you should intall it with the following

    $ sudo gem install cocoapods

Activate Background Modes

  1. Select the project from the Project Navigator
  2. Select the app target.
  3. Select the Capabilities
  4. Turn on the Background Modes
  5. Check the Location updates and the Remote notifications modes.


Activate Push Notifications

  1. Select the project from the Project Navigator
  2. Select the app target.
  3. Select the Capabilities
  4. Turn on the Push Notifications




In your info.plist file you should add the following (using the credentials received from your API KEY registration).

Key Type Value
VeeryApiKey String abcdef12-0123-4567-890a-bcdef1234567
VeeryClientID String 00000000-1234-abcd-efbh-1234567890ab
VeeryEnvir String sandbox

For using Location updates you should add the following in your Info.plist.

Key Type Value
Privacy - Location Always Usage Description String Explain in few word the reason for what you are using the location
Privacy - Location When In Use Usage Description String Explain in few word the reason for what you are using the location
Privacy - Location Always and When In Use Usage Description String Explain in few word the reason for what you are using the location

The environment should be "sandbox" unless you have received the agreement from Roofstreet to use a production platform.



In your AppDelegate.swift add the following :

  1. Import Veery SDK

    import Veery
  2. Create a Veery Object

    import Veery
    class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
        var window: UIWindow?
        // TODO : create the veery object
        let veery = Veery()
  3. Connect to Veery in function application with didFinishLaunchingWithOptions

    import Veery
    class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
        var window: UIWindow?
        // TODO : create the veery object
        let veery = Veery()
        func application(_ application : UIApllication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [UIApplicationLaunchOptionsKey: Any]?) -> Bool{
            //Override point for customization after application launch.
            // TODO : connect to veery
            return true

Remote Notifications

  1. Registration

    In your AppDelegate.swift add this function

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didRegisterForRemoteNotificationsWithDeviceToken deviceToken: Data){
        // Let Veery know the Device Token
        veery.setAPNSToken(token: deviceToken)
  2. DidReceiveRemoteNotification

    After the function above add the didReceiveRemoteNotification function

    func application(_ application: UIApplication, didReceiveRemoteNotification userInfo: [AnyHashable : Any],
                            fetchCompletionHandler completionHandler: @escaping (UIBackgroundFetchResult) -> ()) -> Void {
        // If veery can handle the notification, just return
        if (veery.apnsMessageHandler(userInfo)){return }
        // Veery did not recognize the notification so it comes from another framework
        // Your own Handle code here


The following is required in the ViewController of your Application:

  • Implement the Veery Delegate for triggers the events
  • Set the API Key Secret
  • Activate the required functionalities (see ) (foreground geolocation, background geolocation, geoprofiling, predictive geolocation)

Include the library and create the veery object

In your ViewController.swift, add the following

    import Foundation
    import UIKit
    import Veery

    class ViewController: UIViewController, VeeryDelegate {// Implement Veery Delegate

        // TODO : Inside the principal class (!!not inside a function)
        let veery = Veery()



viewDidLoad : Init the veery.delegate and declare the API Key Secret

In the viewDidLoad function add the following :

    import Foundation
    import UIKit
    import Veery

    class ViewController: UIViewController, VeeryDelegate {// Implement Veery Delegate

        // TODO : Inside the principal class (!!not inside a function)
        let veery = Veery()

        override func viewDidLoad() {
            // TODO : Init the delegate
            veery.delegate = self
            // TODO : declare your API Key Secret


Activate the required functionality level

You should activate the necessary functionality level for every mobile user (see the full documentation to check which level is required for the functionalities you want to use).

Requires ios Veery 1.3.3

1 - Check your Geolocation mode

- FOREGROUND_GEOLOC : geolocalize the user only when the application is in foreground.

- BACKGROUND_GEOLOC : geolocalize the user also when the application is in background.

2 - check veery backend services needed to your App

- COLLECT : Veery will be connected to the backend for historization.

- ROUTE_MATCH : Veery will receive trips computations.

- POINT_OF_INTEREST : Veery will receive Points of interests.

- PREDICTION : Veery will receive Predictions.

Backward compatibility (older than ios Veery 1.3.3)

- FOREGROUND : This is equivalent to Veery.FOREGROUND_GEOLOC.

- BACKGROUND : This is equivalent to Veery.BACKGROUND_GEOLOC.

- BACKEND : This is equivalent to BACKGROUND + Veery.COLLECT + Veery.ROUTE_MATCH.

- GEOPROFILE : This is equivalent to BACKEND + Veery.POINT_OF_INTEREST + Veery.PREDICTION.

You can do that operation whenever you want to activate the user but you should notice that ios will request for required the user rights when called.

    class ViewController: UIViewController, VeeryDelegate {// Implement Veery Delegate

        // TODO : Inside the principal class (!!not inside a function)
        let veery = Veery()

        override func viewDidLoad() {
            // TODO : Init the delegate
            veery.delegate = self
            // TODO : declare your API Key Secret

            // TODO : Activate the required function levels (user will be requested to accept geolocation)
            veery.activate(service: Veery.GEOPROFILE)
            // Requires ios Veery 1.3.3
            //veery.activate(service:Veery.BACKGROUND_GEOLOC  | Veery.COLLECT | Veery.ROUTE_MATCH | Veery.POINT_OF_INTEREST | Veery.PREDICTION)


AnyOtherViewController.swift (Optional)

You can declare and use a Veery object in any ViewController where you require geolocation or geoprofilling.

On all those classes you should respect the following template in order to let Veery know:

    import Foundation
    import UIKit
    import Veery // add this

    class AnyOtherViewController : UIViewController, VeeryDelegate {

        let veery = Veery() // add this
        override func viewDidLoad() {

            veery.delegate = self // add this

            // Required only on the principal ViewController
            //veery.activate(service: Veery.GEOPROFILE)
            // Requires ios Veery 1.3.3
            //veery.activate(service:Veery.BACKGROUND_GEOLOC  | Veery.COLLECT | Veery.ROUTE_MATCH | Veery.POINT_OF_INTEREST | Veery.PREDICTION)


Next Steps

Once this compile and runs, you are ready to ask to Veery about the geoprofile and predictions of trips of your users