Quickstart step 1 : Register to Veery

Google Developer Console

Authorize Veery to use FCM inside your Android application

The Veery Agent requires a Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) token to send messages to your application.

This is mandatory even if you don't plan to use Veery to send push notifications: Veery will still require FCM to silently synchronise with its geo-predictive backend.

Logon to your Google Firebase console using your Google developer credentials.

  • If you project do not exists yet, you must create it using the "add project" button.


  • Once your project is declared, you should ensure your application is created using the "add app" button.



  • Write down the application id (package id) as it will be requires to request the Veery API Key.


  • On your application, click on -> Settings


  • Then, on the top menu, go to "Cloud Messaging"


  • Then you should “Add server key” dedicated Veery


FCM Server key and Sender ID

  • Write down the newly created Token as it will be required to request the Veery API Key.


Android information required for the Veery API Key request

The email requesting for an API key must be sent to veery@roofstreet.io and must contain the following information:

Example Value
Company Name YourCompany
Android package Name com.yourcompany.yourapp
FCM Server key AAAAk6tHoK8:xxxxxxxxxx
Sender ID 12345678

Apple Developer Console


Collect your developer team id

  • Write down the "TeamID" it will be required to request the Veery API Key.


  • Select "Certificates, IDs & Profiles"


Collect your iOS package Name

  • Write down the "App ID" it will be required to request the Veery API Key.


Authorize Veery to use APNS inside your iOS application

The Veery Agent requires an Apple Push Notification Service (APNS) token to send messages to your application.

This is mandatory even if you don't plan to use Veery to send push notifications: Veery will still require APNS to silently synchronise with its geo-predictive backend.

First choice possible : Using P8 Key

The P8 registration is the easiest to make. But you can choose the P12 Certificate as well (see next section)

  • On the left menu select "Key" and create a new Key using the "+" button


  • On "Key description" identify the Key as being used by Veery (e.g : "Veery APNS Key"),
  • Check to enable the APNs Service
  • Click "Continue"


  • Confirm the key creation by clicking "Continue"


P8 Key ID
  • Write down the "Key ID" as it will be required to request the Veery API Key.
  • Click "Download" and save the P8 file (it will be required to request the Veery API Key)


Second choice possible : Using P12 Certificate

The P12 registration needs more steps. It is not required if you choosed to generate a P8 Key at the previous section

  • On the left menu select "Certificates -> All" and create a new Certificate using the "+" button


  • Select "Apple Push Notification Service SSL (Production and Sandbox)" Service and then "Continue"


  • Select the application you plan to deploy Veery to and then "Continue"


  • Then you will have to provide your CSR information as explained.


At the end of this procedure, you will save a P12 file encrypted using a passkey. Write down that passkey and save the file as they will be required to request the Veery API Key

iOS information required for the Veery API Key request

The email requesting for an API key must be sent to veery@roofstreet.io and must contain the following information:

Example Value
Company Name YourCompany
iOS package Name com.yourcompany.YourApp (case sensitive)
Apple Developer TeamID ABCDEFGH12
APNS auth method P8 or P12

if you choosed P8 :

Example Value
P8 Key ID 123ABCDEF0
P8 File APNsAuthKey_123ABCDEF0.p8

if you choosed P12 :

Example Value
P12 Secret SupErSeCreT
P12 File APNsAuthKey_123ABCDEF0.p12

Veery Developer API Key and Secret

The API access you will receive will contain the following information.

YOURCOMPANY ACCESS KEY Where to use in Android Studio Where to use in XCode for iOS Value (example) Purpose
CLIENT_ID AndroidManifest.xml plist 00000000-1234-abcd-efbh-1234567890ab Identify your company within our databases. It will never change.
API_KEY AndroidManifest.xml plist abcdef12-0123-4567-890a-bcdef1234567 Identify a developer allowed to register new phones using it's application
API_SECRET MainActivity.java -> veery.setApiKeySecret(...) ViewControler.swift -> veery.setApiKeySecret(...) SuPeRScrET12345789GhJ You are the only person having this. If it is compromised, please request a new API Key

These will be used in the next steps of the Veery integration.