Module Veery
Set the secret (password) attached to your API Key
This is necessary to enable the usage of backend based functions (Predictions, POI, Trips, Matchings, ...).
This should be called any time after the veery first serviceConnect() (Usually on the componentWillMount()
), before any other calls to any other function of Veery.
Param name | Type | Usage |
secretapikey | String | The API KEY Secret received with your API KEY |
Usage / Example
import React, { Component } from 'react'; import {Platform,StyleSheet,Text,Button,View,AppState} from 'react-native'; import Veery from 'react-native-veery'; export default class App extends Component<{}> { componentWillMount(){ Veery.serviceConnect(); Veery.setApiKeySecret('SuPeRScrET12345789GhJ'); // Veery.activate(Veery.GEOPROFILE); // Requires react-native-veery 1.4.4 or higher // Veery.activate(Veery.BACKGROUND_GEOLOC | Veery.COLLECT | Veery.ROUTE_MATCH | Veery.POINT_OF_INTEREST | Veery.PREDICTION ); } render() { return( <View > <Text > Welcome to VeeryDemoReactNative!</Text> </View> );} }
User interaction