Veery Module
Allow to you to see :
- If veery integration is successfully.
- If the minimum required to use veery is completed.
- If the connection to veery backend established.
- Date of last positions sent to veery backend.
- If APNs Token sent to veery background.
- Date of last notification received from veery.
String : contains informations of veery status
Usage / Example
Veery.getStatus( (status) => { console.log('App.ios getStatus ---',status); } );
Status Example
Android platform
When Veery is active and healthy
Connection to veery backend is successful. API KEY :[abcdef12-0123-4567-890a-bcdef1234567] loaded successfully. Client ID : [00000000-1234-abcd-efbh-1234567890ab] loaded successfully. Veery Envir :[sandbox] loaded successfully. ServiceConnect : Called successfully . ServiceResume : Called successfully . ServicePause : Called successfully . setApiKeysecret : Called successfully and accepted by backend . activate : activate Level is GEOPROFILE. Last Position Sent to backend :2018-01-10 17:23:54(UTC). set Firebase Token : Called successfully. Firebase Token : sent to backend. Firebase Message Handler :Called successfully. Last Notification Received : 2018-01-10 17:23:40(UTC). Veery is active and healthy.
When Veery not yet active
Connection to veery backend failed (“error message : Firebase Token : not sent to backend. firebase Message Handler : Not called Yet.”). API KEY :[abcdef12-0123-4567-890a-bcdef1234567] loaded successfully. Client ID : [00000000-1234-abcd-efbh-1234567890ab] loaded successfully. Veery Envir :[sandbox] loaded successfully. ServiceConnect : Called successfully . ServiceResume : Called successfully . ServicePause : Called successfully . setApiKeysecret : Called successfully and accepted by backend . activate : activate Level is GEOPROFILE. Last Position Sent to backend :2018-01-10 15:51:53(UTC). set Firebase Token : Called successfully. Firebase Token : not sent to backend. firebase Message Handler : Not called Yet. Last Notification Received : Not yet. Veery not yet active (see checklist above)
IOS platform
When Veery is active and healthy
Connection to veery backend is successful. API KEY :[abcdef12-0123-4567-890a-bcdef1234567] loaded successfully. Client ID : [00000000-1234-abcd-efbh-1234567890ab] loaded successfully. Veery Envir :[sandbox] loaded successfully. ServiceConnect : Called successfully . setApiKeysecret : Called successfully and accepted by backend . activate : activate Level is GEOPROFILE. Last Position Sent to backend :2018-01-10 17:23:54(UTC). set APNs Token : Called successfully. APNs Token : sent to backend. APNs Message Handler :Called successfully. Last Notification Received : 2018-01-10 17:23:40(UTC). Veery is active and healthy.
When Veery not yet active
Connection to veery backend failed (“error message : APNs Token : not sent to backend. APNs Message Handler : Not called Yet.”). API KEY :[abcdef12-0123-4567-890a-bcdef1234567] loaded successfully. Client ID : [00000000-1234-abcd-efbh-1234567890ab] loaded successfully. Veery Envir :[sandbox] loaded successfully. ServiceConnect : Called successfully . setApiKeysecret : Called successfully and accepted by backend . activate : activate Level is GEOPROFILE. Last Position Sent to backend :2018-01-10 15:51:53(UTC). set APNs Token : Called successfully. APNs Token : not sent to backend. APNs Message Handler : Not called Yet. Last Notification Received : Not yet. Veery not yet active (see checklist above)
User interaction
This function logs the returned string (status) to the JS debug console to help developers to fullfil the integration of Veery