Class Veery

systemAuthorization(int authorization)

Requires Veery for Android version 1.3.0

Allow to you to check :

  • If Location is authorized by the user.
  • If Remote Notifications are authorized by the user.

Authorization are given by the user to the system using the following popup window Veery auth

This popup is triggered by the system when veery.activate is called.

Activate should be called to activate the Veery agent event if systemAuthorization returns true. In that case the popup will not be triggered.


Param name Type Usage
authorization int Veery.USER_AUTH_GEOLOC : To check location service status
Veery.USER_AUTH_GEOLOC_BACKGROUND : To check location service status
Veery.USER_AUTH_NOTIFICATION : To check notification status

USER_AUTH_GEOLOC and USER_AUTH_GEOLOC_BACKGROUND is identical on Android. This was made available to match the iOS version of Veery.


true if all Parameters sent in this function are authorized by the user

false if one of this Parameters is not authorized by the user

Usage / Example

        Veery.USER_AUTH_GEOLOC |

    // Or

        Veery.USER_AUTH_GEOLOC +

    //return true if all Parameters are authorized by the user

    //OR you can check only one Parameter


    //return true if the location service is authorized by the user

User interaction


This function will not request for the authorization. If needed, this is done by the veery.activate function